A Man of Many Talents
El McMeen is a man of many talents. In his lifetime he has worn several hats: husband, father, grandfather, retired lawyer, musician, Christian minister, and humorist. He credits his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the bountiful blessings that have been bestowed on him in regard to the matters shared on this website, and everything else.

El is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning acoustic guitarist, who has been included in a “greatest acoustic guitarist” list. He says that it’s nice to be on someone’s list, unless it’s for a hit or a tax audit. He has recorded 18 guitar albums (in addition to compilations), and is featured or included in a number of video releases. El has written numerous books of guitar music for Mel Bay Publications, has given guitar workshops throughout the US, and produced recordings by other guitarists. His memoir, “Growing Up in God’s Country”, has been honored as a #1 New Release on Amazon. booklocker.com/books/10019.html

El is an ordained Christian minister, who has written much on the faith, including a book co-written with his friend and fellow guitarist (and lawyer) Steve Baughman called Objection! Overruled! amazon.com//dp/1626468559/ref El is heavily involved in ministry by correspondence to prison inmates, primarily in Texas and Florida.

El is the author of a number of books of humor, typically involving puns and wordplay. Those books arose, interestingly enough, out of a discussion with Steve Baughman, his co-author on the Objection! Overruled! book mentioned above. Steve shared a joke with El, and El ran with it in a zany, albeit fruitful, direction.
El is grateful to Nelson Soucek of Liberal Palette Designs for his work and assistance on this website.